by Salman on September 9, 2010
iOS 4.1 was finally released yesterday with a major new feature “Game Center” which lets you play networked games. Previously iPhone games would only let you publish your s
core online on Facebook or any other social platform but now with Game Center enabled games, you can challenge someone online, maintain score boards among a bunch of other sub-features.
by Salman on August 31, 2010
First it was the antenna issue that surfaced right after the launch of iPhone 4. Apple kept mum over it until consumer response (or negative response) grew to such proportions that Steve Jobs had to announce that it did exist and offered free bumpers for the new iPhone 4. The problem with antenna was believed to be a firmware issue but it was not fixed even after the release of iOS 4.0.1 (click here to download).
by Salman on August 27, 2009
For the past several years, Apple has made a habbit of gathering in September to launch its newest iPod products for the holiday-shopping season. This time around, Apple would certainly be launching new iPods but rumors have been lurking around the web that the new iPod Nano and iPod Touch will reportedly have cameras. The [...]
by Salman on January 17, 2009
Here are some brief and spicy stories about history of WWW, Microsoft, Apple, HP, UNIX, Google, Intel, Sun and LINUX.
by Salman on January 10, 2009
Bill Gates’ head exploded in a tragic puff of smoke after reading that a Windows benchmarking study showed that the new Apple laptop with a dual core Intel processor was faster running Windows XP than, um, well, all the laptops designed for Windows.