Jan 202009

History is in the making because for the first time ever Red hat is about to go beyond Sun microsystems in terms of market capitalization.  Sun perhaps represents Unix market which is continously going down , on the other hand Red hat represents the rising Linux market. This could well be the main reason for the current downfall of  Sun microsystems.

Jan 172009

Here are some brief and spicy stories about history of WWW, Microsoft, Apple, HP, UNIX, Google, Intel, Sun and LINUX.

Jan 072009

At one time or another, you would surely have felt the need for a portable Operating System that you could carry around with you and to help troubleshoot and backup your friends’ crashed PCs or just carry your complete Office with you. There are several Live CD based Linux Distributions(distros) where you just boot from it and enjoy the new OS. But what if you need your Data and settings to be remembered. A good alternative is to use a “LIVE USB” based OS.