Microsoft All Set To Launch BING

by Salman on May 31, 2009

Google has been ruling the world of search engines for years now. A few days ago microsoft has officially announced that it is going to launch its own search engine BING on June 3. It will be a sort of latest challenge to Google’s domination in the search market.Although it has been believed that the new search engine was to be called Kumo, it was revealed earlier this week that the new front-running name for the website is to be Bing. Whatever the name ends up being, it will be a very difficult task for it to accomplish what google has done over the years.


Microsoft is trying its best to make everyone aware of the new search engine and for doing so, it is believed that they are going to spend $100 million. Despite of the fact that microsoft is spending a huge amount of money on marketing, its a general feeling that no matter how much money Microsoft throws at the new launch, it will always be second best to Google.


We have taken the algorithmic programming up an order of magnitude,” says Microsoft senior vice president Yusuf Mehdi. Each search result page is customized according to what type of search you do. The algorithms determine not only the order of results on the page but also the layout of the page.

Another thing which Microsoft is claiming is that it will be more of a descion engine and it will help people make decisions through guided search and a focus on task completion. “I’ve been playing around with a preview version of Bing for about a week. It is designed to be more of a decision engine”, says Mehdi.


Whether or not Microsoft is able to challenge the monoply of Google, that remains to be seen. And i dont think bing can become as popular as google overnight but it is certainly a one step forward as the CEO of Microsoft, Steve Ballmer says “There is no way to change the whole game in one step.” But search “deserves a good feature war.” And certainly BING will be coming up with new features as time goes on but the big question is that Will it be enough for people to switch from Google to BING? Only time will tell but one thing is for sure that if Bing can help people find what they are looking for faster, it will put pressure on Google to keep advancing the ball as well.

Watch this video to know more about BING.

Read More Here.

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